Mehmet Aydın SAĞLIK, Necdet AYKAÇ
In this study, it was aimed to examine studies which researchedproblems invocational education and evaluation of solution proposalsby using meta-synthesis method. Data were reached by searching for “vocational education, vocational education problems, vocational education problems and seeking solutions andvocational educationin Turkey”from the Turkish HigherEducation Board National Thesis Center, and from the Google Scholar and (Turkish Academic Network and Information Center)databases. A total of 54 studies (5 Doctoral dissertations, 11 Master’stheses, 30 articles, and 8reports)were compiled basedon criteria determined for studies to be included in the research. The included studies were analyzed according to thematic synthesis approach,which is one of the meta-synthesis methods.Frequency tables of problems and suggestions about vocational education were established by examining the studies. Accordingly, problem titles and solution proposal titles were then categorizedas main themes and subthemesand then interpreted.As a result of this study, it was observed that vocational education in Turkeyfaces some problems,especially with regard to education and trainingstructure, legal regulation structure, technological and physicalsubstructure, economic and social structure,and educational management.