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Renewable energy resources attitude scale for science teacher candidates: validity and reliability study


Tohit GÜNEŞ, Kazım ALAT, Ali İbrahim Can GÖZÜM

In this study, it was aimed to develop an attitude scale to determine the attitudes of science teacher candidates about renewable energy sources, who have to teach what energy is and how it should be produced and used. Studies on the pre-application form of the scale were conducted in the spring semester of the 2011-2012 academic year with 402 pre-service science and technology students studying in the Science Teaching Department of the Faculty of Education at Ondokuz May?s University in the first, second, third and fourth grades. The KMO value of the data set is .87. As a result of the factor analysis, the scale consists of four factors named iste?i willingness to apply, importance of education, country interests ?, environmental awareness and investments. The variance explained by the final scale is 51.94%. The reliability of the scale is .87 and the reliability of the factors are respectively. 97, .80, .78 and. It is 72. Statistical analysis shows that the scale of attitude towards Renewable Energy is a valid and reliable data collection tool.

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