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The effect of problem-based learning approach on high-level thinking skills in primary school science education


Derya ÇINAR, Aslan IELIK

This study was conducted to examine the effect of problem-based learning approach on students' higher-order thinking skills in primary school science education. The research, 2005-2006 academic year II. It was conducted in Konya province, central Selçuklu district, Adnan Hadiye Sürmegöz Primary School, on 6th grade students. The research was organized according to the pretest-posttest control group model, which is one of the real trial models. The problem-based learning approach was used in one classroom, and traditional teaching methods were used in the other. As a measuring tool, the achievement test prepared according to the target behaviors of the "Stagnant Electricity" section of the Science Lesson "Electricity That Drives Our Life" unit was used. This measurement tool was applied to the experimental and control groups as a pre-test and a post-test. T-test was used as data analysis. As a result of the research; It has been concluded that problem-based learning approach increases students' achievement.

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