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The Relationship between Teachers? Structural and Psychological Empowerment and their Autonomy


Yılmaz İlker YORULMAZ,İbrahim ÇOLAK and Aycan ÇİÇEK-SAĞLAM

The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between teachers’ structural and psychological empowerment and theirautonomy. This study was designed in the survey model. The research population consisted of teachers working at elementary, lower and upper secondaryschools in the Mente?e districtof Mu?lacity, Turkey. The sample of the study consisted of 325teachers selected by using disproportionate cluster sampling technique. TheTeacher Structural Empowerment Scale, Psychological Empowerment Scale, andTeacher Autonomy Scale were used as the data collection instruments. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and hierarchicalregression analysis were used to analyze the data. According to the results of the research, teachers’ structural empowerment wasabove medium level.Teachers hada high level of psychological empowerment and of general autonomy. Structural empowermentexplained 47% of teacher autonomyon its own. Including psychological empowerment, it provided a6% contributionto the model. Autonomy-supportive environment, facilitative school environment, and participatory decision-making environment dimensions of structural empowerment, together withindividual empowerment and relational empowerment of psychological empowerment were found to be the meaningful predictors of teacher autonomy.

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