Ä°rfan ERDOÄAN [1]
The purpose of this article, which are the theoretical and historical evaluation usually Ministry of National Education of Turkey (MEB) to discuss on the basis of a democratic system instance, the Board of Education of the private as well MONE (TCC) to examine changes in function. The examinations regarding the Ministry of National Education and the TCC were made on the basis of the legal order operating with the separation of powers principle on which democratic systems are based. In this sense, it is stated that the MEB system is structured as a system consisting of legislative, executive and judicial elements, which are the main pillars of the modern legal order; It is assumed that the Board of Education is one of the basic organs of this order. The structure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Ministry of National Education article from the new bag law changed and it is suggested that the Board of Education's decision-making bodies brought into the advisory body to be removed. In this way, it is claimed that the authorities and responsibilities are mostly concentrated in a center, however, the MEB system will become more centralized, and thus more rigid and authoritarian tendencies will emerge. In this context, it is suggested that the system of the Ministry of National Education should be reconsidered and the place and role of the Board of Education and Discipline in the system should be strengthened. hence it is claimed that more rigid and authoritarian tendencies will emerge. In this context, it is suggested that the system of the Ministry of National Education should be reconsidered and the place and role of the Board of Education and Discipline in the system should be strengthened. hence it is claimed that more rigid and authoritarian tendencies will emerge. In this context, it is suggested that the system of the Ministry of National Education should be reconsidered and the place and role of the Board of Education and Discipline in the system should be strengthened.