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Turkish adaptation of the physical education course aptitude scale: a validity and reliability study


Mustafa Kayıhan ERBAŞ [1] , Hüseyin ÜNLÜ [2] , Yaprak KALEMOĞLU VAROL [3]

Although physical education classes have an important place in terms of lifelong physical activity and motor development, it has been stated that it is not possible to say the same thing for students who do not participate in physical education classes effectively (Myers, Strikmiller, Webber & Berenson, 1996). For this reason, it has been observed that there are many factors affecting students' attitudes towards both physical activities and physical education lessons, and physical education research has focused on these factors (Subramaniam & Silverman, 2007). Based on this, Welk (1999) has gathered many potential factors in his model with the ‚Physical Activity Incentive Model developed for adolescents and young people and evaluated them separately. When these factors including educational and organizational diagnoses are examined in general; (a) Enabling factor, (b) Disposition factor, (c) Reinforcement factor, (d) Personal characteristics factor.

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