Commentary - (2021) Volume 11, Issue 2
As we know the pandemic has caused more devastation than ever, many people are suffering from huge losses mentally and financially. But the losses which occur on the next generations of society are very harmful and dangerous to the entire world because of lockdowns initiated in different parts of the world and education being made virtual learning. Virtual learning is not a bad way but, making it the primary way of learning can result out into a bad way of education.
As of know every work is being done virtually, from buying groceries to running business. Students play a vital role in the development of the society they are being protected by their loved ones and by the governments in forms of educational institutions being in lockdown. The education system has adopted the new means of technology to educate people by not leaving the home premises. Virtual learning is not a bad way for learning though, some students may find different methods of skipping the classes and turn them into entertainment.
When compared to physical and virtual learning, scientists and many other research scholars have given preference to physical learning. It is best in its own way as students get to interact with others and can enjoy the environments of schools. School is a place where a student can get to know more in the form of experiences from their educators (teachers), and by their self-implementations.
Virtual learning is the mode in where students get spoon-feed with the information they are required to know, they don’t get the privilege of self-implementing every time they want.
Students have to attend the schools physically and the government has to take care of the youngsters and the students so that the future of the society remains undamaged in-means of every aspect of the society, as we say “Today’s youngsters are the tomorrow’s society”. We need to take care of the students in order to help the society be a better place. Students must be made to go to schools and colleges physically so that they learn many things outside of the books as well as the knowledge from the books; they need to maintain their physical and mental strengths in perfect proportions to be fit. Virtual learning can be used alternately for those who cannot attend physically to the schools or colleges due to some reasons. Parents should play a major role than the governments or other institutional societies for their children to be more active and gain knowledge from many places as they can. They will also know how to move socially with other people. We have to take care of our children and have to send them to schools with utmost protection and in a good faith. Children also have to understand the situation and have to cooperate with their elders and do their part properly and have to be responsible from early age due to the situations in the society. Parents as well as educators have to be calm and understanding the students as they are also going through tough times as some students may have lost either a mother or a father or both. So we too have support them and make them feel better in the times like these.
The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Received: 04-Aug-2021 Accepted: 12-Aug-2021 Published: 20-Aug-2021